Monday 4 January 2010

C'mon People

Much to my dismay, I heard quite a few negative comments about our embryonic New Year today . 'This year has gotten off to an awful start'. 'Yesterday was so depressing - all the parties are over and we've got two months of cold and darkness ahead'. '2010 is going to be economically worse than 2009'.

To these and other similar comments I have a few words: Dude, ENOUGH! please. Give 2010 a chance. I mean seriously we're like four days in - it hasn't even begun to unfold. Why be so gloomy?

It's the start of what could potentially be an amazing year. I think it's time to put a little Louise Hay into action. If you haven't heard of my favourite guru then please do look her up and have a listen. It's all about your thoughts and your outlook. Negative thoughts - negative outcome. Postive thoughts - positive outcome. Simple as that. No joke. Try it, you will see.

Here are a few of my favourites to arm yourself with:
Complaint: This year is going to be awful.
Reaction: My life gets more fabulous every day; I look forward to what each new hour brings.

Complaint: We're stuck in a recession and getting poorer every day
Reaction: My income is constantly increasing, I prosper wherever I turn

Complaint: The short days are so depressing.
Reaction: That may be true for others, but that is not true for me

Now I don't recommend verbally challenging your friends and colleagues negativity each time as that could quite possibly lead to an ass beating which would definitely not be good, but was is good is to block that negativity from yourself with a little positive mental backlash. If you need a few more snippets and are not feeling researching my friend Weezie, let me know, I will consult her myself and happily give you the ammuntion you need to start this year off right and make it unbelievably amazing.

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