Thursday 4 February 2010

Valentine's Day

Let's just get this one over with now as I've already heard the rumblings of the 'what are you going to do on Valentine's Day?' as if this is some horror to anyone single. Actually, I've never quite grasped the singleton's angst or utter despise of Valentine's Day. I mean seriously, are all of these anti-Valentine's activities, presents, etc. really necessary? (With the exception of course of the dead flower company, which I find hilarious and let's face it, a year round service). How could one possibly dislike a holiday that celebrates love? Besides, if we're being honest, isn't that what we're all looking for anyway?

I personally believe that each singleton should embrace Valentine's Day whole-heartedly for a number of (mainly selfish) reasons:

1. It's got to be karmic suicide.
You can't seriously expect to walk around touting the evils of a holiday for love and then expect to get some loving in return.

2. Ladies, there are more single men out on Valentine's Day than perhaps any other day of the year.
Think about it - it's like shooting fish in a barrel. If guys are out, they are most likely single considering if they were in a relationship they would have to be at dinner or doing something tragically romantic. Furthermore, I personally don't think single guys even clock Valentine's Day

3. Negativity is ugly and not a good look.
Enough said.

4. It's all about the love.
If you look at your life through the words of a song from Rent (as you usually do, I suspect) and really measure it by love, you'll be amazed to discover that you are surrounded by it every day, everywhere you go. It's literally coming at you from all directions - friends, co-workers, people on the street. Throw a little love out there and you'll definitely get it back.

So go out there and enjoy it! I will be throwing a week late Super Bowl party (you can get away with such things in England) surrounded be a few of the people I love most, that is a few of my darling friends.

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