Sunday 20 December 2009


Now I realise you, my four loyal readers, must be wondering what the hell happened to the adventures in internet dating that I promised you many moons ago (or at the start of this blog to be more exact). To be honest, since my birthday (see a few posts back) I've been keeping a pretty low profile. Overexerted myself in my old age? you ask. Never! I like to think of it as more of a winter hibernation.

Let's face it, such periods of hibernation are typically frowned upon when it comes to singletons. I can't imagine that my mother is the only woman who has ever told her single daughter "You're not going to find your husband sitting on your sofa". Well yes that may be the case and I too subscribe to the 'you've got to be in it, to win it' philosphy of dating but every once and awhile I think its good to take yourself out of the game and recharge. No, I havent had any revelations in my downtime and yes, I may have missed a few very good opportunities to meet someone but I do feel like my battery is recharging nicely. I've had time to outline the things I'd like to do next year, the ways in which I'd like to make myself a better person and the important things I've been blessed with this year.

And yes, I may have to spend another 6 weeks post holidays in the gym working off the extra pounds, as while unlike animals who rely on body fat during times of hibernation, I've tripled my food and alcoholic intake but hey, what else is there to do in January?

1 comment:

  1. Understandable but somewhat disappointing for those of us who wish to have our cold winter nights enlivened by details of Kasper's capers.
