Sunday 31 January 2010

It's Definitely Not Me

So an update on my date for you my dear seven...

We met on Friday for drinks and dinner. Few things went immediately wrong: a. he was late (made worse by the fact that we were meeting outside and it was absolutely freezing) and b. he hadn't booked a table for dinner even though we had agreed to meeting over a week before. But he was cute enough and in the spirit of giving everyone a chance, a shook off my initial disturbances and went off in good spirits.

We ended up in a bar comparable to ESPN Zone minus the sports. After downing one drink, we headed off in search off a place to have dinner. The best place we could find was a chain restaurant with a 45 minute wait so off we set to have a drink elsewhere in the meantime. The next bar was equivalent to what I can only describe as a regional disco. The age range was probably between 16 and 21. The music was ridiculously loud and horrible. My wine was so disgusting, I took two sips and decided to leave it. For those of you who know me well, this is shocking in the extreme as I can usually put back anything with an alcohol content. After what seemed hours but was probably no more than 30 minutes, we headed off to dinner.

And this is where the wheels came off the wagon...Turns out he never went to school and after ten years of being cabin crew for an airline is now selling computers from his car. But he doesnt like it. So let me get this straight... you have no expertise or skill per se, no ambition and are currently in the market for what? A sugar mama? Barking up the wrong tree I'm afraid.

We then go on to speak a bit about our families at which point he tells me about his sister who has had three kids with three different men the last of which was from a one-night-stand of whom she is unacquainted. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's probably not the best thing to divulge to someone on the first date.

Luckily I was at the mercy of the tube that conveniently closes around midnight so I wrapped it up as soon as possible. After which I sent him a lack lustre thank you text to which he responded with an energetic 'when can I see you again'. I guess the answer of 'never' is not an option so i'm still considering how exactly to extract myself. 

All that said, I did learn two very useful things from this date:
1. I like geek chic and find intelligence sexy (it was shocking absent in this instance)
2. Spirtuality is a big deal for me. My friend here divulged that he thinks that not only is there no higher power out there but that the whole idea of such is rather ridiculous.

AND.... scene.

1 comment:

  1. What a nightmare- at least he doesn't know he's fodder for your blog! And it seems you figured out some things that are important to you, too-- wish I knew some nice, spiritual, geeky guy would could hold his booze... xoxo
