Saturday 24 April 2010

Brand Marketing

I'm fairly certain I did not come up with this concept myself so before I begin I would like to say to whomever I stole this idea from - thank you and forgive me.

You are your brand. Plain and simple. Just like Coke, Mercedes-Benz or McDonalds. Taking a step back and looking at yourself from the outside - as a brand if you will - makes you more aware of what you put out in the world, how you conduct yourself and the things you say.

This is an interesting concept to explore as a singleton, but a slightly frightening one as well. Take for example last night at the opening of my friends club. I was with two close friends, we looked pretty hot (as hot as i could look after an epic week traipsing through europe in an effort to return to England sans air travel - stuffing myself with pasta, schnitzel and copious amounts of alcohol all the while surviving on minimal sleep) and the place was cholk full of eligible bachelors. After a stressful week, I think we all just wanted to tear it up a bit. So we had a little pre-party which consisted of a couple bottles of prosecco, landed in the club and promptly poured back some yummy gin drinks and ended the evening on shots (do not bother to ask why, the answer is eluding us all this morning). Did I mention we forgot about dinner? Yes forgot, the topic just never came up. I blame the week's worth of schnitzel but heaven knows what the other two were thinking. By the end of the evening, we were definitely NOT On Brand. Drunk-girl-at-bar-doing-shots is definitely not the look I'm going for here, neither is cant-make-coherent-conversation-as-this-is my-favourite-80s-song-and-I-must-sing-a-long-very-loudly girl.

I've decided not to beat myself up for this as we did have such a fun evening, but there's a lesson in it. You attract what you put out there so keep your eyes on the prize and build your brand wisely!

1 comment:

  1. I personally love cant-make-coherent-conversation-as-this-is my-favourite-80s-song-and-I-must-sing-a-long-very-loudly girl.

    Not that I've met her... (or been her!)

