Saturday 10 April 2010

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

I sometimes think the reason I haven't yet met my guy is due to the fact that the dating gods take too much joy in masterminding the most painfully hilarious dates for me. Oh yes dear 11, the date with The Crush was disaster.

It seems I had dreamed up a persona that does not exist. But that is the danger of the crush, is it not? Don't get me wrong, I take full blame for the fact that I spun 'mute' into 'quiet and reserved' and wrote off the stench of body odor as artistic (yes I KNOW that is a huge stretch).

We had agreed to meet at an art opening at 6 and when he arrived my first thought was he looked rather handsome. My second was that he smelled like a homeless person. The conversation started out awkwardly to say the least but I wrote it off to nerves thinking that after a few glasses of wine, he'd loosen up and be a bit chatty. Wrong. After a few glasses of wine, it became clear he had the conversational skills of a lamp post. Luckily, we ran into a few friends of his who were actually incredibly lovely and I had an enjoyable conversation with them for a good hour while The Crush No More wandered about and was at one point found laughing hysterically to himself. I'd like to think he was on some hallucinogenic substance and this strange behaviour was a complete anomaly, but alas I think he falls into that rather prevalent category unique to this country, The English Eccentric.

The lesson here really is that while crushes are fun, it is important to keep them in the realm of reality. It so tempting to embellish the poor guy into a dream that is impossible to live up to - especially when he is a total Eccentric.

Next step: Round 72 with Online Dating - this time I will agree to go out with someone! Maybe...

1 comment:

  1. That is such a bummer! At least his friends were fun! I hope internet dating is a winner this time... wish I knew anyone even slightly eligible for you! xoxo
